Auditions for A DOLL'S HOUSE

Sunday, November 4th from 6:00pm-9:00pm
Monday, November 5th from 7:00pm-10:00pm
Auditions by appointment only



Tacoma Little Theatre is holding auditions for its production of Henrik Ibsen’s classic, A Doll’s House, adapted and directed by Marilyn Bennett.

Auditions will be held Sunday, November 4th and Monday, November 5th at Tacoma Little Theatre. Audition appointments will be set between the times of 6:00pm-9:00pm on Sunday and 7:00pm-10:00pm on Monday in 10 minute increments. Callbacks will be held on Wednesday, November 7th.

A story so controversial in its time that party guests were asked not to discuss it for fear of starting a fight, lauded by playwright George Bernard Shaw for challenging societal norms, Henrik Ibsen’s play features Nora Helmer: a woman in the role of a typical housewife, treated like a doll, harboring a secret debt for saving her husband’s life. Her debtor, now an employee to her husband, threatens to reveal her secret to her husband in order to save his own job. Nora finds herself faced with a difficult moral dilemma between the sacred values of her marriage and family versus her independence.

Adults: Please prepare a one minute off-book monologue. You will also be asked to read one or two short sides from the script.

Children: Young actors, ages 6-10, please bring a short poem, nursery rhyme or song (memorized); children will also be asked to read from a brief side. Please try to book your child into an early slot so they are fresh for their audition.

Actors of all ethnicities are encouraged to audition. Roles available are Nora Helmer (female 27-30), Torvald Helmer (male, 35-40), Dr. Rank (male 45-60), Christine Linde (female 35-40), Nils Krogstad (male 35-40), Anne Marie (female 50’s), Helene (female 20-30), Ivar (boy age 7-8), Robert (boy age 6-7), and Emmy (girl 5-6).

To reserve an audition time, follow this link (, or call our Box Office at (253) 272-2281.

Once cast, A Doll’s House will run from Friday, January 25, 2019 to Sunday, February 10, 2019.

Nora Helmer: age 27-30. Wife to Torvald Helmer, mother to (2 or 3) young children. Impetuous, playful, persuasive, but also capable of great strength and courage. Devoted to Helmer; loving, indulgent playmate to her children.

Torvald Helmer: age 35-40. Husband to Nora; bank manager. Loving and indulgent, to Nora, infatuated with her beauty. Newly promoted; fastidious, patriarchal, concerned with appearances. Minimal engagement with the children, but proud of Ivar, entertained by Robert and Emmy

Dr. Rank: age 45-60: longtime friend of Helmer, frequent confidant for and more than a little in love with Nora. A regular house-guest. Ill health, attributed to the excesses of his father.

Christine Linde: age 35-40. Former friend of Nora, recently returned to town after falling on hard times. Previously married with grown children. Now seeking employment, asking that Nora help her secure a position in Helmer's bank. Previously spurned Nils Krogstad.

Nils Krogstad: age 35-40: Clerk in Helmer's bank, and holder of a secret loan which Nora has been paying off, unknown to Helmer. Determined to keep his position in the bank; prepared to expose Nora's loan if he is let go. Previously pursued Mrs. Linde.

Anne Marie: age 50: Nanny/governess to the Helmer children; was Nora's nanny before that. Left her own child in care to undertake Nora's and her children's upbringing.

Helene: age 20's-30's: Maid to Helmer household. Compliant, efficient; perhaps a bit intimidated by Helmer, close to Nora.

Helmer children: (we will cast two or three children)

Ivar: age 7-8; "little man" of the house, rather precise, like his father

Robert: 6-7: still very much his mother's little boy; playful like her

Emmy: 5-6: precocious, feminine, easily woos Helmer, looks like Nora